Monday, October 10, 2011

Lambs for Sale

I am trying this venue as a way to post pictures and information on animals and future product we may have for sale on the farm. I hope it helps to have this information on a place like this to easily access.

I have four lambs from last spring that are up for sale. There is a all black ram lamb that I did not get a good picture of, and these three.  There is one ewe lamb in the bunch who might be bred, as my old ram has been following her around the last couple days.  The other two whites are ram lambs.  They were all born after Christmas and the younger ones just after New Year's Day.  They are growing well and are a bit dirty from laying in the mud we have had around here.The sheep are crosses of Corriedale and Dorset and grade which I suspect must have some Jacob too. I have seen some lambs much smaller and spotted like the Jacob, also a little blackface, that you can see crop out in the lambs too.  They are a motley cross but are not too big and are good family sheep for both meat and wool. I will accept market value for the lambs, (I will have to go online and check just what that is right now).  I will attempt to answer any question that you may have.

grey faced ram lamb

grey on face and feet  but mostly white (believe it or not) ewe lamb with ram lamb in tow

cute smaller ram lamb with small skurs (horn buds that will probably not be real horns)

New (potential) herd bull

There is a new little bull at our farm.  He was bought at an exotic auction, so he will bring in some new blood lines to our herd.  He is red but has the black nose and will most likely turn brindle as he ages.  The cute little guy is only about four or five months old. He is already a favorite of my youngest daughter and leads alright for a young animal.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Indian Summer

Here it is October already and the weather is terrific! Second crop hay was wonderful and very plentiful. We were planning on doing much more small square bales but the baler had different thoughts and broke down, so we had to roll it up in large round bales.  They will get used just the same but not as easy to store as long term buffer for other not so good years. We could have gotten third crop this year if all the equipment was working with us.

third crop growing and second crop down and raked
all raked and ready to bale

The animals are all enjoying the dry and warm weather.  The young turkeys are  doing fine. They are a cross breed but look like local wild ones, all but the one poult.  One that hatched out here is showing the royal palm lineage and is white with dark markings.

odd hatchling

Mama turkey and her babies

 Ruby, the sow likes to root in the mud with her babies and mine too. The swine are also enjoying the warmth and putting the feed to extra meat and some fat. I hope the old farmer's tales are incorrect about a cold and snowy winter.

My 'Piggies'

a warm spot to enjoy the day

The calves are all weaned off their mothers and now quiet and happy in the corral. A few have gone to new homes and a couple more will spend the winter at other new homes soon.  We are trying to make time to get the 'boys' castrated. This will make keeping them in the big fenced in pasture with all the other Scottish Highlanders much easier. They will fight with each other less and use their feed to grow rather than compete and chase one another. This will make for faster growing steers for future meat.  It will still take three years to make a large beef steer, good thing we have patience.


I awoke to excited kids a couple mornings ago.  My sheep usually lamb in January but we now have a fresh little ewe lamb named Jill.  Still trying to figure out why so early but the lamb doesn't appear 'early' so I guess we just had strange cycles this year. The sheep are enjoying the warm weather and fattening up too. Now I will have to watch and look closer as we might have not just fat sheep but more babies coming at unusual times. It will make for a strange lambing year.  

I have changed some settings on this blog and was wondering if anyone can now make comments. I had a few people say they tried and couldn't.  I hope this is now working. It is nice to have all the options this page has, but I now have to learn how to use them all and that will take me some time.  'Till next time.....